Our Courses

COLOUR IN LIFE will educate you in that although we all share the same type of visual apparatus, we do not all see the same colours in the same way, because we all have different visual experiences in our backgrounds. Your cumulative background of visual experiences determines what you see and understand. 


It is not an embarrassment to confess that you are scared to decide on decorative colours, scared to choose the wrong colours for the mood or feeling you require, and nowadays, scared of the possible health effects of a chosen colour. 

The only way to overcome the fear, is to educate yourself in all aspects of colour happening, and not to rely on the advice of strangers or commercial formulated colours. 

There is much more to DECORATIVE COLOUR than a colour sample, beautiful colour palette, advice from some decorators, architects, and magazine interior design articles. Most outside colour inputs approach decorative colour as having only a decorative function, or they assume that their advice is justification for creating a satisfying living environment. 

When you depend on outside advice, you only get what is good for others, but when you depend on your own colour knowledge, you bound to get what really, is good for you. 

Colour is and will always be a science and one must be careful how and where and for whom a colour-use is designed. 

In our everyday life the seeking to obtain a social beauty accepted environment, we have crossed the science-line of one of our senses, that of vision. Because we were all created differently, not one of our senses’ we experience, can be generalized, yet the commercial market has exploited this, and we are experiencing numerous colour use infectious ideas, ignoring a societal understanding of basic colour-science. 


I want you to obtain a skilful decorative colour use ability to create your ideal room spaces and become confident in your colour choices and psychological and colour health designs. 

Most important to realise that no one else can decide for you what colour is right for any of your living environment spaces. 

The COLOUR IN LIFE courses have been designed to aid decorative designers to live the democratic concept of relying on their colour preferences.

This is a HUMANE DESIGN approach, the only design concept to recognize the ethical influence of colour as well as the health influences of colour. 

COLOUR IN LIFE support and acknowledge, that: 

“Every individual perceiving a colour, will react differently based on their biological reaction to a colour stimulus.” 

HUMANE ENVIRONMENTAL DESIGN considers the Body-Mind-Soul (Physical-emotional-interplay) connection, and therefore:

  • Refrain from subjective personal design opinions, and distances it from fixed preconceived design motions. 
  • Takes into consideration functional aspects of an environment and the occupants psychological environmental needs and necessities. 
  • It is in line of the scientific use of colour’s social qualities. 

Course 1: The Anatomy Of Decorative Colour

This first course is a basic introduction to understand what is colour, why and how its influences have different effects on different people.
Throughout our evolutionary development, we have inherited reactions to colour that we cannot control, that we cannot objectively explain and that we cannot escape and ignore


Course 2: Colour and Decorative Design.

Course 2 is the foundation of decorative colour design, the contents no designer can operate without. It is an important source of colour information and colour’s influences on the human body. It emphasizes the influences of colour deciding factors, supporting the success of any design process.


Course 3: Colour And Your Health.

COURSE 3 is an eye-opener to the decorative design community. Our environment is not stress-free anymore and designers should guide people in the acceptance of using healthy colours in their living environment.


Course 4 – The 10-Step colour scheme approach.

Colour’s function should never be only one of social beauty decorative design, but its psychological and physiological effects on your your body, mind, emotions and behaviour should be the most important deciding factor.