Course 3: Colour And Your Health.
1 Topic
Lesson 1: What causes stress?
7 Topics
Reflection of light.
Stress and the human being.
Stress in our lives.
Colour and Stress.
Infectious ideas about colour influence.
Natural Stress response.
Lesson 2: Environmental colour influences on health.
12 Topics
Avoidance of environmental stressors, ceiling.
Avoidance of environmental stressors, artificial light.
Avoidance of environmental stressors, contrast colour.
Avoidance of environmental stressors, colour variety.
Avoidance of environmental stressors, high reflected light.
Avoidance of environmental stressors, big windows.
Avoidance of environmental stressors, white tiled floors and walls.
Avoidance of environmental stressors, Beige colours.
Avoidance of environmental stressors, neutral colours.
Avoidance of environmental stressors, white/off white colours.
Avoidance of environmental stressors, UV radiation.
Avoidance of environmental stressors, fluorescent light.
Lesson 3: Biological effect of light.
7 Topics
Careful control of light. Reflected light.
Careful control of light. No such thing as one reality
Careful control of light. Modern research.
Careful control of light. Seeing of colour?
Careful control of light. Visual stimulation and baby’s brain development.
Careful control of light. Vision disturbance.
Careful control of light. There is a science behind choosing the right colour.
Lesson 4: Colour health affects in the decorative world.
7 Topics
Colour and WELL-BEING.
Stress in our lives.
Health effects of stress.
What caused the most stress in our lives?
What about colour can cause health problems?
The human body, colour and stress.
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Colour and WELL-BEING.
Course 3: Colour And Your Health.
Lesson 4: Colour health affects in the decorative world.
Colour and WELL-BEING.
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